Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tuesday with the Delts

This workout literally never gets old. I may get tired of the same stuff but it's not bc I'm crushing it. Used 15lbs for 1.5 of the workout and then switched to 12.5lbs. But really, the burn in my upper arms and shoulders is so intense. At some point, I'd like to do a normal push-up and not on my knees, but in this workout, I felt like I would fall on my face...that's how much stress my arms feel with this workout:)

Monday, September 28, 2015

Manic Monday Squat Lunge

I'm renaming this one...it's not madness, it's manic. Not feeling well lately....but the consistency beat just kept beating in my head. Get through today's workout. Scale is going back up. Don't only operate on how you feel - that weighs into the decision, but it isn't the decision. And now I'm done with 20 manic minutes filled with squats and lunges. Happy Monday to me. My other thing to do today is to try to drink more water and eat more protein today. 

Friday, September 25, 2015

Friday Upper Body & Plyos

My mantra today was something is better than nothing. Continuing on in this workout journey means just doing something today - that's it. Same with nutrition. It's not all or nothing. Just keep going. So, I did. I did my best despite the fatigue my body has been feeling. And I'm glad I did it, and I'm glad I'm done:) my goal is to workout this weekend at least 1x too. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Pilates Day - Bun & Think

Well. There are those days that something is better than nothing. Today is one of those days:) my whole body is tired and I just couldn't imagine doing squats or push-ups or burpees or anything. So I did bun & thigh Pilates. I def felt this workout but it's not the breathless kind of workout. It did feel good to stretch out too. Like I said. Something was better than nothing;)

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Delt Domination

15 pound weights the whole time. At some point, I'll have to push up how much I can do. But for right now, my upper arms and shoulders are burning while at rest:) that is tough upper body.....it's those shoulder presses. Wowzers!!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Squat Lunge Madness Monday

That.was.brutal. Whew. Did the squat jumps and new jacks as jumps today...not the lower version!!!! Knee hurts but I've been stretching, and that has been helping. Not sure if I'm ready for the rest of my Monday but at least one part is done!!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Upper body & Plyos

I was supposed to go running with Carrie, but she wasn't feeling well. So, I did upper body mixed with Plyos. Wowsers. I was able to do all the new jacks as Plyos and not the slow version. Awesome. My knee is tight behind the knee cap this morning but it didn't hurt in the front:)

Here's me about to vomit:)

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

5x4 Full Body Wednesday!

Ooph. Almost kept sleeping today, but Ben got up to go workout. So I couldn't stay in bed for another 30 or so minutes of meh sleep. So I did it. About day is done. But I feel the need for spice. I've gotta find something else to rotate in. And I need to find out what is bothering my knee. Tried to stretch it today but it hurts when I do squats and lunges and a few other movements. So frustrating. I used 20 lb weights until halfway through, I dropped down to 15 lb weights. It felt slightly better but I would rather be using heavier weights....

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Delt Donination

Totally forgot grab a picture post workout, so I had to grab this post shower and dressed for co-op. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Squat Lunge Monday Madness

Another day that I didn't want to workout. Not sure how I'm doing it - it can only be God working in me, wanting to do what's right for my body. Today was tough with day 2 of my period:-/ but I fought through the wanting to give up and decided showing up and doing this was better than not doing, so I kept going at whatever level I could give. Even did the burpees at the end....the picture is taken right afterwards. I was out of breath, for sure!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Full-body 5x4

Slept in again, but worked out after the kids went to bed tonight. I feel like I finished out the week strong. My knee is still a little temperamental and overall, I'm pretty tired, but I'm encouraged that I'm continuing on...whether it's 5:30am, middle of the day, or after the kids are in bed. I'm in need of a new video though but for now, this works. 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Delt Domination During Kids' Naptime

Sleep is not coming easily for me lately and I'm running on empty. So, I didn't do my 530 am wake up and decided it was a good time to fit my workout in during the day. Fifteen minutes with jillfit's delt domination....holy moly, my shoulders are going to burn for days. Off to shower and pick up Ben from the airport!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Squat Lunge Craziness

Didn't feel dead today but felt a weird pain in my bad knee. Praying its passing. I lightened my weights, which lessened the pain. This workout is intense. I wanted to vomit a couple times. Really excited that this is the 2nd week I worked out before going to co-op;) 

Monday, September 7, 2015

Upper Body on the first day of the week

Did Jill fit's upper body workout that I did in August. Thought I was going to fall on my face during the push-ups. I'm always amazed that I'm still getting up at 5:30 and how hard 20 minutes can work my body! It's so much easier to push myself for short periods of time!! 

Friday, September 4, 2015

5x4 full body

Lots of insightful thoughts....on the version that didn't save. Really cool. The gist of my thought: I'm dragging, struggling with knee and lower back pain/weakness, and struggling with my food: specifically hunger and cravings. Dragging is making me question my ability to go on and the food is discouraging me. I feel powerless - even though I know I'm not. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

5x4 Full Body Workout

Phew. I didn't want to wake up at 5:30am. But I knew that I had maybe 30-45 minutes to sleep, and that wouldn't feel like enough. Sleep is good, but I didn't want to trade the feeling of a completed workout for just 30 or so more minutes of ok sleep. Next time, I'll just have to go to bed earlier:)

But, today, I was pretty sore in my legs and pretty sore in my arms from the past 2 days. Yesterday, I could barely write everything I needed to on my whiteboard without my arms shaking;) 

I am starting to want a new workout, but I'm fighting to not let that feeling dictate whether or not I work out. So, today, I'm feeling glad that I got up but this workout always kicks me in the pants:)

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Delt Domination Today

Did Jillfit's Delt workout....started with 20 lb weights and had to quickly shift to 15 lbers. Wowzers. Muscles areitwrally burning in this workout. 

I'm amazed that I'm working out on the first day of co-op. I'm even teaching...I don't know how it's happening. If I waited until I got home exhausted this afternoon, it wouldn't happen. 5:30 is a brutal time for me, but part of me kinda loves it...being done by 6am and drinking coffee while the house is still super quiet:)