Monday, December 7, 2015

Pilates Again - 12/3/15

It's a Pilates day...kinda love my lower body dvd, so I'm doing it for the 2x this week. Something is better than nothing:)

5x4 full body Monday!

I did a full body workout today...I don't remember the last time I did that! I felt so weaker than I did when I first started this workout journey in August. But I did it. It's done. I'd love to feel stronger, but maybe the strength comes from just doing it every day and not letting the feelings dictate.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Pilates Day

Well, I finally pushed myself again to workout at 530....but I couldn't think of any other workout that I could handle except Pilates. My legs felt dead, but I did it. We are one workout done in December. I had wanted to work on nutrition more while I'm struggling, but yesterday, I ate a bajillion cookies:/ today is a new day and can be filled with health.....